Friday, May 11, 2012

Adler Welcome Gallery Wins Chicago AIA Small Projects Award

The Clark Family Welcome Gallery at Adler Planetarium is the exciting pre-show experience to the planetarium's main event - the Sky Theater. To live up to that billing, Thomas Roszak Architecture designed the space to feel "other-worldly." "It reminds me of entering the Milky Way," said a juror. Aluminum tubing and polyester fabric were used to create a dramatic design, while being cost effective. The fabric was layered in alternating areas, creating darker and lighting slices, representing a "time slice" in outer space, along the pathway. The fabric was selected for its ability to reflect the gallery's LED lighting system while also absorbing light where mixed-media video is projected on the fabric walls. The team collaborated with experts in video, animation, sound and lighting for interactive exhibits with layered projected images, motion-detecting light sound effects, and unusual display technologies throughout the space.
See article at:
Chicago Architect Magazine

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